Company News

How our dashboard works and why it's so awesome 🎉

Post by
William Griffiths
How our dashboard works and why it's so awesome 🎉

Hello Hatchers 👋 We have been extremely busy working hard for our customers that we’ve even forgotten to show you how our dashboard works 🤦🙇 so let’s take a look👇

Now when it comes to dashboards, we like to keep it as simple as possible. Simply login, submit a new request and away we go. But we get that before signing up you’d like to take a little peak into what's in store so let's do just that.

Start with the easy bit

We start with the sign in page - it works just like any other, enter your details and log in. For you forgetful people out there who can never remember their password, never fear we have a button for that.

Then the other easy bit

Settle in, get to know the place, there's no rush - check out the admin section, update your profile, review your invoices and take a peek at our services catalog - its all great stuff.

And then the even easier bit

But now it gets to the fun part - whenever you are ready and feeling up for it, go ahead and hit that "create a request" button.

And then the even, even easier bit

That's it! Go ahead and start filling out the brief sheet with the relevant details - the more information the better!

And then the even, even, even easier bit

Work with the designer - get everything you need all in one place.

And then, the grand finale

Once happy, download the final design straight from the dashboard, simply mark as complete, leave a review and some comments and then you are good to go!

Submit as many as you like!

We are only human but we work on the basis of delivering your design requests back over as soon as we possibly can! However we are only human so below you can see what you can typically expect from us on a daily basis:

• 1-2 illustrations (more if they are not too complicated)
• 2-3 social media graphics
• 2-3 display ads
• 4-5 pages of a brochure, e-book, report, or slide deck
• 1-2 flyers
• 1 logo
• First draft of a landing page

I hope that clears everything up and made for an exciting read - feel free to reach out any time and I'd be happy to show you more.

Drop me an email | Book a video call

Will 🐣

Founder & Managing Director  

William Griffiths
Founder & Creative Director

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