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What happens after I sign up with Hatchly?

Find out the magic of what happens after you sign up and how easy it is!

In order to sign up with Hatchly, you simply visit the Pricing page, select the plan that works for you and we then go from there!

Upon sign up completion, you shall instantly receive a "password set" email in order for you to gain access to the dashboard straight away. After this and within 30 minutes, you shall also receive a welcome email from your dedicated account manager, introducing themselves and to state that they are here whenever you need them! They may also ask some questions to find out a little more information about you if we don't already have it :) 

And if all that wasn't enough, we even send through an onboarding email to help you get started with settling in with us here at Hatchly and some tips on how to use the dashboard and to write design briefs effectively.

If we missed anything, please let us know because client satisfaction is very important to us and we want to make sure that each and every member enjoys a personalised experience with us. :) 

Did we help answer your question? If not, drop us an email at info@hatchly.co.uk for more information.