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Recent Product Updates

We are always striving to do better and take all customer feedback straight to our little hearts. So here you will find all the latest and greatest Hatchly updates and changes.

December 7th 2020: Same day turnaround

Same day turnaround has arrived!! We all understand that sometimes, it's a matter of serious urgency!! If that is the case and you are in need of a project on the same day then it is your lucky day. Submit your project by 10.00am BST/GMTand receive it back the same day for only £99. If it cannot be achieved, we will let you know and refund the money back.

Where to find "Same Day Turnaround" on the Hatchly dashboard

November 9th 2020: Storage area

Fellow Hatchers now have the ability to upload brand assets straight into the dashboard! This is particularly useful for quickly referencing anything you need to in your briefs :)

Where to find the storage area on the Hatchly dashboard

October 12th 2020: Add additional team members

Fellow Hatchers now have the ability to add in additional team members!! This means our clients now have the ability to add as many team members as necessary to follow all or individual projects. This enables our clients to receive selected email notifications and be involved in projects that they only need to be involved in. As always, we make it easy as possible for this to be achieved. Simply log in to the dashboard as admin and enter their name and email for the additional team member to have access to the dashboard straight away.

Where to add users on the Hatchly dashboard